
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Save on Apples!

Here is a link that I am posting on my deal site...but it was too good not to share with everyone! Seriously....who isn't buying apples this time of year???

I love is free money back on things I am already buying! Click the link below to sign up!

And...for more good deals, check out my savings and deals blog!

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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Don't Burn Out!

It seems like every where I am lately, I am being reminded to "not burn out".  It must be something that God wants to drill into my head. haha.

I think it is something that, as a mom, is always a great reminder. Especially living in the time we live in.

There is so much pressure to be involved in EVERYTHING. Partially because there are a ton of great things available to us now.

My grandma tells me how it was when she was a young mom and I remember what it was like when my mom stayed home with us (from a kids perspective, of course).

They were NOT involved in organized play groups and moms support groups or even Bible studies that incorporated a children's program. In fact, most of the time they didn't even have a car to go anywhere at all.

They may have gotten together with neighbors for coffee and they definitely sent the kids out to play in the neighborhood (unfortunately, we live in a crazy sinful world and really can't do that anymore).

I am in NO WAY saying life was easier because in many ways, I think that women used to feel much more alone than we do and we've been blessed with some pretty helpful modern day appliances/technology! Also...we seriously don't have to iron every work shirt and pants for our hubbies...well most of us don't! Haha

We have support. Some of us have husbands who are extremely involved in caring for our kids and helping with the house. We have the internet to get creative ideas and to read blogs about how other moms feel the same way that we do. We can easily glean helpful ideas from others in the same boat.

But, we also live in a time where we feel the pressure to keep up with the world. We take it upon ourselves to feel like our kids need to be smarter, better, healthier, and more "well rounded". We feel inadequate. 

Well...mommy...give yourself a break. I am trying to.

It is a different life for everyone, certainly, but take time to evaluate your limits. How many days do you really want to be out of the house each week? Is your schedule stressing you out? Your kids out? Your husband? 

Is the playgroup that is stressing you out going to matter to your child when they are in high school? Probably not!

I don't want my kids to look back at their childhood and remember all of the activities they were in and how crazy I was trying to get them there.

I don't want them to look back and think. " really let me do lots of things and go lots of places."

I want them to remember me....and smile :)

I also don't ever want to forget how precious they are. 

Monday, September 15, 2014

Friday Night Fun!

Do you ever get sick of fighting about dinner with the kids?

I do.

Every night, someone doesn't want to eat or doesn't want to stay in their seat or throws some kind of a tantrum during our family dinner. I know that some of you simply cannot imagine this since our kids are perfect (haha).

So, Friday was our first day of our homeschool co-op (which was awesome by the way). The kids get to do arts and crafts and music and learn all kinds of awesome things that would otherwise make homeschooling a bit more stressful to me! thinking ahead, I realized that dinner time may not be all that fun with REALLY tired kids. So, we ate junk! 

We made mozzarella sticks, potato skins, cheese and crackers, of course baby carrots and bananas AND milkshakes. 

We also let them eat on the couch while we all watched a silly movie together! Silly baby brother had fun too...he played and then he'd pop his head up for a snack!


It was delightful. While it was fun for the kids, it was a nice break from the dinner time battle that sometimes rages at our house.

While it wouldn't be healthy to eat like this often, it was well worth it for a special treat for the whole family!

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Thursday, September 4, 2014

A lesson from me....for me.

Do you ever feel like, "why do I never learn"? That's me.

Like most people in our area, we started school this week.

While some may feel that life gets more difficult when that is quite the opposite for me.

Sure...we have actual things that NEED to be accomplished each day but I must admit that I thrive on being busy.

I don't just say that. I really mean it.

I know that everyone is different and some people truly need down time (ahem...that would be my husband!) but down time to me is sitting on the sofa while we watch a movie and I work on something...writing, cross stitching, crocheting, a photo album, coupons, a sudoku puzzle...anything!...etc.) I feel the need to be accomplishing something at all times or I simply cannot relax. point.

I get so much more done when we are busy and I have a set schedule. While I am sure that the years ahead of homeschooling 4 children will take up much more time than doing 1st grade with Keira and some Pre-K with Libby, I have to say that I love it.

We use a fantastic curriculum that tells me exactly what to do each day and I have an intense Calendar that maps our days out. Living on a schedule goes much smoother [most of the time] than summer days when we can "do whatever we want".

So, why do I do that to myself. Next summer I need to just remind myself to make a set schedule for us and stick to it!

The house ends up cleaner, the kids more content, I feel more accomplished and most importantly, I end up spending SO much more time reading the bible and praying!

So...the lesson for myself. Just because we don't have to do school, co-op, set dance class, Community Bible Study, Pioneer Girls, Choir...etc. doesn't mean I can't make a schedule for myself and the kids so we can feel like we are doing something worthwhile.

Maybe next summer I will look into different ways we can serve in the community together to give us something that we are committed to each week, I could be better at making actual play dates with poeple and we could visit a different park for a picnic each week. Simple. Fun. Scheduled.

I am a happy mama to be on a schedule again! What about you?

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